About MyPort
In MyPort you will (ultimately) find all online services and tools for shipping clients of Port of Amsterdam.
Convenient of course is that all services will be centrally located here in the future. Even better is that MyPort has been made suitable for single sign on. You only have to log in once to make use of various services.
MyPort: platform for better services
Would you like a demo? Then watch our video. Within a few minutes you will know how MyPort works. And what our customers think of it.

New: PACT for agents and terminals
PACT is a new service on MyPort for outgoing sea vessels from agents and terminals in the Amsterdam port. By cleverly sharing data with each other, we make the port more predictable and aim to reduce delays.
Want to know more about PACT? Then go to PACT on MyPort.
Services and tools in MyPort
Applications: permits exemptions and notifications
It is now possible to submit all applications for permits and/or exemptions as well as notifications via Applications.
Your forms already contain the details of your trip, such as visit number, ship name, berth and IMO number. You can check the status of your requests and notifications yourself. This makes it easier and faster for you to work.
Submitting your statement for Inland Harbour Dues
Wanneer je het havenwater bezoekt, moet je net als bij andere havens opgave Binnenhavengeld doen. Dit is je toegangsbewijs tot het havengebied.
Op MyPort kun je direct inloggen om opgave binnenhavengeld (BHG) te doen.
Lock Schedule
View the current planning of shipping traffic, pilots and tugboats in IJmuiden, the Noordersluis and Amsterdam with Lock Schedule.
This app replaces the DSP (Dynamic Lock Planning).
The new Lock Schedule offers improved timeliness, improved visual display date and time and improved display of obstructions.

HAP ships
Virtually all ships have to deliver their ship-generated waste when calling at one of the ports in the North Sea Canal area. Seagoing vessels are obliged to pay a waste levy for the collection and processing of ship-generated waste. In exchange, the seagoing vessel is reimbursed (part of) the delivery costs.
Arriving seagoing vessels that fall under the Port Waste Plan can be found in the HAP ships list.
Portle Business Guide
Portle is your business directory for doing business in the port of Amsterdam.
Companies are listed here, including their contact details and service or cargo flow.

Other services
Also check out the following services:

Regional Port Bye Law
International, national and regional shipping laws and regulations apply in the Amsterdam port region. These rules contribute to the safety and the environment of the Amsterdam port region.
Want to know more about these port regulations? Then check out the Regional Port Bye Law page.