Poseidon: digital tracking of push barges
A unique platform for digital tracking systems on push barges.
Wat is Poseidon?
Poseidon collects location information from trackers on barges. The collected information is input for the development of smart services that reduce time, fuel and administrative actions. And we all benefit from that.
Port of Amsterdam has developed this new platform for its own use, but the architecture of the platform is open and scalable. Other customers with barges and also other ports can easily use it.
Port of Amsterdam is the first port to offer these services. Poseidon has been developed in close cooperation with customers with push barges and tracker platforms.
Current map for push barge berths
The map shows the current occupancy expressed in the number of barges/vessels measured with a digital tracker in relation to the berth capacity. The colour gives an indication of the intensity. By clicking on the berth, the number of push barges/vessels with a tracker is displayed as well as the berth capacity.
The benefits of Poseidon voor customers with push barges
- Gericht naar een vrije ligplaats varen. Met Poseidon heb je actueel inzicht in de bezetting van deze
- Insight in free berths. With Poseidon you have up-to-date insight into the occupation of these mooring facilities. With this information pusher tugs can navigate to freely available places in order to position the barge efficiently. In the future there will be more and more mooring facilities exclusively for push barges with trackers. Go to the map with the current occupation of push barges with trackers
- Reduction of administrative burden. On the basis of tracker data, Poseidon recognises when a push barge calls at a harbour basin with mooring facilities. The stay time is automatically registered as soon as the barge crosses the virtual check-in and check-out border. The visits are invoiced via a clear invoice. This saves a lot of administration for customers with push barges. More information about automatic declaration for push barges with trackers
- Pay per use. Port of Amsterdam offers customers with push barges the possibility to pay port fees based on 'pay per use'. This means that the stay time is calculated per hour. An estimate of the length of stay is no longer necessary. View the rates
- Tracker independent. Poseidon is open and works with all tracker platforms. Tresco and Conversy are already connected to Poseidon. Customers with push barges that use other tracker platforms are of course also welcome to connect.
The benefits of Poseidon for ports
- Optimization of nautical equipment. Poseidon gives the port better insight into the use of push barge spaces. As a result, the nautical space can be arranged more and more efficiently according to requirements.
- Reduction of administrative burden. The automatic invoicing of Inner Port dues makes it possible for the port to process port dues very efficiently.
- Independent and flexible. Poseidon is an open platform and can easily be integrated within its own information architecture.
- Get to work immediately. Various tracker platforms are already connected.

Poseidon hits the market
After an extensive pilot period, things moved quickly from 1 June 2020. In June, seven customers already fitted their barges with trackers. This means that 247 pushed barges can now be tracked digitally. Ports are also interested.
Would you like to know more about the developments? Then read the interview in the Dutch Magazine Duurzaam Bedrijfsleven with Rob Smit, hinterland manager of Port of Amsterdam.
Port of Amsterdam is open to make Poseidon also available to other Dutch ports and service providers to further develop its services.