Inland Harbour Dues

Paying Inland Harbour Dues—This is how it works
Where you submit your declaration depends on the location where you are sailing and staying.
Sailing through the harbour area (also known as the cooperation area)? Submit your declaration to the Port of Amsterdam. Ships that sail in municipal waters (also known as inland waters) must submit a declaration to the municipality of Amsterdam.
Harbour waters
The IJ, the North Sea Canal, the Zaan and Voorzaan rivers, Zijkanaal G and all its waterways/harbour basins that lead down to the border as indicated on the harbour map.
Inland waters
Other Amsterdam waterways, such as the canals, the passageways, the Amstel, the Buiten IJ and the Amsterdam Rhine canal.
When do you submit a statement for Inland Harbour Dues?
Commercial inland navigation vessels are required to submit statements for inland harbour dues when they enter the Zaanstad and Amsterdam port waters. Commercial inland navigation vessels are understood as:
- cargo vessels
- commercial passenger vessels such as river cruise vessels
- other inland navigation vessels such as floating cranes and work vessels
You do not need to submit a statement for (or pay) inland harbour dues when your vessel has dispensation from inland harbour dues. You must submit a statement in all other situations. You must also submit a statement for an exemption. For example, an overnight stay on the Slik in connection with the sailing and rest time you must submit a statement for the exemption. More about permits and exemptions
You can submit your statement before arrival and until the end of the 28th day after your arrival in the Zaanstad-Amsterdam port waters. You change or cancel a statement until the end of the 28th day after the date of arrival you specified in your statement.
For river cruise ships, if you book a berth via Easydock, you do not have to submit a separate Inland Harbour Dues statement. If you make a reservation via Easydock, the inland harbour dues will also be arranged. View tariffs and conditions

How to submit a statement
You can submit a statement for Inland Harbour Dues by logging on to bhg.portofamsterdam.com. You can register here if you do not currently have an account.
Submit your statement in time to avoid paying a surcharge.
It is also possible to file the statement automatically for push barges equipped with a tracker.

Automatic Statement for push barges equipped with a tracker
Customers with push barges equipped with a tracker can file their statements automatically. Customers conclude a data contract with Port of Amsterdam for this purpose. The staying times for push barges equipped with a tracker are settled according to an hourly tariff.
User management in Inland Harbour Dues application
Met gebruikersbeheer in de applicatie Binnenhavengeld kan je
Previously, users could only see the statements for Inland Harbour Dues that they have entered themselves. We've now introduced a new user management feature in the Inland Harbour Dues application.
There are two user roles: full access and limited access. As a user, you have access to all of your organisation's statements, or only those you have prepared yourself. Only your organisation's administrator can manage the rights of your organisation's users.
What can you do as an administrator?
On the user management page, you can:
- Give other users access to prepare statements for your organisation by accepting an email request. Of course, you can also turn down a request.
- Designate users as full-access or limited-access users. Full-access users can view all of your organisation's statements. Limited-access users can only see the statements they have entered themselves.
- Grant full-access users administrator rights or revoke previously granted administrator rights.
- Allow full-access users to receive join requests by email.
- Disconnect users from your organisation. This means they no longer have access to the statements.

The following services will be available to you once you have paid your Inland Harbour Dues:
- Unlimited access to the port waters for the period specified
- Safely dock at the public waiting areas and berths in the port area
- Designated vehicle landing points in the port area
- Free parking at 17 places in the port area
- Drinking water; the first 6 cubic metres are included in the inland harbour dues
- Free WiFi in the vicinity of the WiFi spots
- Services provided by the Harbour Master, who ensures that vessels are handled efficiently, safely and in an environmentally friendly manner

We check whether you have submitted a statement
Port of Amsterdam checks whether inland navigation vessels that have been seen in the port area have submitted a statement of inland harbour dues.
Submit your statement on time to avoid a surcharge
If you submit an incorrect or overdue statement, we regard that as a failure to declare and will add a surcharge to the amount owed. The surcharge is 25% on top of the appropriate rate, with a minimum surcharge that is dependent on the number of times you have previously failed to declare inland harbour dues:
Do you disagree with an invoice or surcharge? Then you can submit an objection via the digital objection form.
- No failure to declare in the last 180 days: € 100
- Failure to declare once in the last 18 days: € 250
- Failure to declare multiple times in the last 180 days: € 500

Reminder declaration of inland harbour dues
We will regularly send you a reminder to declare inland harbour dues if your vessel has been in the port area and you appear not to have submitted a statement. We will send this reminder seven days before the declaration period lapses. The reminders are there to help you in case you happen to forget once. If you continue to forget, we will stop sending reminders.
Tariffs 2025
Regular tariff
Category | Measured by | hour (60 minutes) AS* | 1 week (7 days) | 2 weeks(14 days) | 4 weeks (28 days) | Annual tariff (1 Jan. - 31 Dec.) |
A. Motor tanker | Tonne | Not applicable | € 0,111578 | € 0,223156 | € 0,446311 | € 5,802048 |
A. FREIGHT PUSH BARGE | Tonne | € 0,000731 | € 0,111578 | € 0,223156 | € 0,446311 | € 5,802048 |
A. GENERAL CARGO SHIP, other cargo ships | Tonne | Not applicable | € 0,111578 | € 0,223156 | € 0,446311 | € 5,802048 |
B. Passenger ships | Sq. m. | Not applicable | € 0,116919 | € 0,233839 | € 0,467689 | € 6,079809 |
C. Other inland navigation vessels; floating objects | Sq. m. | Not applicable | € 0,116919 | € 0,233839 | € 0,467689 | € 6,079809 |
* hourly rate for Automatic Statements for push bargers
Container tariff 2025
Category | Measured by | Tariff | |
A | Cargo ships | TEU | € 0,92419 |
Fee for reserving a public berth 2025
Tariff per 24 hours of reserved time | € 316,40 |
Drinking water
The tariffs for Inland Harbour Dues for Professional Navigation include the right to consume 6 cubic metres of drinking water per 24-hour period.

Paying invoices
With us, you decide how you pay your invoice. You can choose to pay all your invoices automatically via direct debit. That way, you no longer have to worry about your payments.
Via direct debit you will also receive a 2% discount and an extension of the payment term from 14 to 28 days.
Receiving all your invoices via direct debit with a discount and longer payment term? Or receive each invoice by e-mail with a direct link to an IDEAL provider? Make a choice which suits you best.
Invoices per email | Direct debit | |
Payment period | 14 days | 28 days |
Discount | - | 2% |
Administrative action | Yes | No |

Reporting a change of vessel data
Are the details on your invoice wrong? Please make your changes by filling in the web form and we will adjust the data.
Discounts and surcharges

Up to 20% discount for vessels with a Green Award Certificate
Type of certificate | Percentage of discount |
Bronze | 5% |
Silver | 10% |
Gold | 15% |
Platinum | 20% |

2% discount if you activate the direct debit option
Take advantage of the convenience of paying automatically via direct debit. You will receive a 2% discount on your bill and an extension of the payment term from 14 to 28 days.
Dutch account number
With a Dutch account number, you can switch to direct debit easily via bhg.portofamsterdam.com
International account number
Do you want to switch to direct debit from an international account number? Then use this direct debit form.

No declaration submitted 28 days after arrival:
You will automatically receive a statement with a surcharge of 25% on top of the appropriate rate, with a minimum surcharge that is dependent on the number of times you have previously failed to declare inland harbour dues:
- No failure to declare in the last 180 days: € 100
- Failure to declare once in the last 18 days: € 250
- Failure to declare multiple times in the last 180 days: € 500
General terms and conditions
Frequently asked questions about inland harbour dues
Submitting a statement
Yes, you can use one account to submit statements on behalf of a number of clients, companies and/or vessels. You must have been given the rights to do this by an administrator.
Log in to bhg.portofamsterdam.com and, in the black menu bar at the top of the screen, click on ‘My account’. Next, click on ‘Add new client’, and enter the name and address of the party you represent. Then click on ‘Home’. This now displays the ‘I am submitting the statement on behalf of’ option, which you use to specify the party for whom you are submitting each of the statements you enter.
Yes, you can. You can adjust or cancel your statement until the end of the 28th day after your arrival.
You can log in to bhg.portofamsterdam.com and view a list of the statements you have submitted. You also see whether you can adjust or cancel any statement in the list.
Statements falling within the 28-day period can be adjusted or cancelled by clicking on the ‘View’ button.
You can combine a number of standard periods to cover the period of your stay. Please note that you need to submit separate statements for each of these standard periods.
Will you be staying for a couple of days? The shortest period you can submit in your statement is 1 week (7 consecutive 24-hour days).
Do you submit a statement on the basis of the container tariff? Then your stay period is limited to a maximum of 24 hours.
Do you need help with creating an account or submitting your first statement? Then please contact our Team Inland Harbour dues via +31 (0)20 523 46 23 or binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com.
You can enter the Zaanstad and Amsterdam port waters as often as you wish during the period you specified in your statement.
Je krijgt een herinnering als je in de haven bent geweest en gesignaleerd bent door havenbeambten. Dan weten we namelijk dat je bent geweest en kunnen we je een herinnering sturen.
Wanneer je een keer vergeet opgave te doen, helpen we je graag door een herinnering te sturen. Het is een duwtje in de rug. We gaan er ook vanuit dat je het niet iedere keer vergeet. Daarom krijg je niet bij ieder bezoek aan de haven, in combinatie met een signalering, een herinnering. Het blijft jouw eigen verantwoordelijkheid om opgave te doen, dit moet niet afhankelijk zijn van een herinnering.
Als je het blijft vergeten om opgave te doen of als je na de ontvangst van de herinnering alsnog meerdere malen geen opgave doet, dan houden wij op met herinneringen te sturen.
Invoices, payments, tariffs and refunds
Invoices are sent by e-mail. Didn't receive anything, not even in your spam folder? E-mail us at binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com and we'll quickly find out for you.
Yes, you can. You can specify this in your ‘My account’ settings.
Have you taken out an annual subscription and have you sold your vessel during the year? If so, you come into consideration for a refund of the remaining period of your subscription.
You can submit an application via binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com. When you submit your application, you must enclose documents that confirm the sale.
You are liable to pay inland harbour dues when you enter the Zaanstad-Amsterdam port waters. You pay once for the entire area.
The inland harbour dues grant you access to the port waters, where you can moor at one of the public berths in the area.
You can also bunker 6 m3 of drinking water at the Haparandadam water dispensing station without additional charge. You can also dispose of your household waste, free of charge, at the Haparandadam household waste collection point. You use your SAB card (zero tariff) to gain free access to the drinking water and/or household waste collection facilities.
A fee is charged for mooring reservations. You will also be charged for any use of ship-to-shore power
Vessels with a Green Award certificate – extra clean and safe vessels – receive a discount on inland harbour dues for the Zaanstad and Amsterdam port waters. The amount of this discount depends on the category of the vessel's certificate. The discount is not dependent on the vessel's stay.
Information about the requirements to be met by your vessel to qualify for certification is available on the Green Award website.
No, you can also submit a statement for a specific period, for example for one week.
When you draw up your statement you can check to find out which will be the most economical option for you. A statement for a one-week stay will usually be less expensive for a transshipment of larger numbers of containers.
No, a statement for inland harbour dues for commercial navigation covers the Zaanstad port waters, Amsterdam port waters and Amsterdam inland waterways for the period specified in the statement.
However, the opposite is not the case. A statement for inland waterways dues for commercial navigation submitted to the City of Amsterdam covers only the Amsterdam inland waterways for the period specified in the statement.
No, you will receive an invoice by e-mail with a payment link.
Dutch account number
If you have a Dutch account number, you can easily switch to direct debit via bhg.portofamsterdam.com.
International account number
Do you want to switch to direct debit from an international account number? Then use the direct debit form and follow the 3 steps.
1. Sign the direct debit form with your digital signature (or print and put your signature on the paper).
2. Take a photo or screenshot of the signed form, for instance with your smartphone.
3. Mail the image to binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com.
The TEU tariff is valid at the following locations:
- Bruinsveem - Zaanstad
- CT Vrede Amsterdam
- CT Vrede HoogTij
- CT Vrede Zijkanaal H
- Holland Cargo Terminal (HCT) - Amsterdam
- SCS Multiport - Amsterdam
- USA / Ter Haak Amsterdam
- VCK Scandia Terminal - Amsterdam
- VCK Waterland terminal - Amsterdam
If, in addition to one of the above locations, you call at another location in the port of Amsterdam, you are required to submit a standard statement of inland port dues and not a statement per TEU transhipped.
Exemptions and dispensations
You submit a digital application for exemption via the statement for inland harbour dues that you submit to bhg.portofamsterdam.com.
In the 'New statement: Step 1 of 2 – Enter your details’ screen, next to 'Exemption applicable', you click on 'Yes'. You can then click on the exemption applicable to your vessel.
The following vessel situations come into consideration for the exemption of inland harbour dues:
- Rhine or inland navigation training vessels, navy vessels or merchant shipping vessels.
- Push tugs with push barges or side-by-side formations that subsequently continue to their destination outside Amsterdam. Please note: with a maximum of two hours and solely at the mouth of the Westhaven (ADM-haven).
- Vessels that, in the opinion of Port of Amsterdam and the Municipality of Zaanstad, fulfil a primarily social function.
The following vessels are granted dispensation from inland harbour dues:
- Vessels used for public duties carried out by the relevant municipality, national government or Province.
- Rescue boats operated by the Koninklijke Nederlandse Redding Maatschappij (Royal Netherlands Sea Rescue Institution).
- Vessels in continuous transit through Amsterdam using one of the main waterways (IJ, Amsterdam Rhine Canal and North Sea Channel) and/or a passage through Zijkanaal G and the De Zaan river without utilising any Services).
- Vessels loading drinking water and/or fuel at recognised water loading and bunker stations.
- Vessels taking a car on board or off board at a designated vehicle transfer point.
- Vessels moored at recognised yards, ship repair companies or private marinas.
- Vessels required to pay port dues.
- Historic vessels – entered in the National Register of Sailing Monuments – with a Municipality Zaanstad lease that are moored at a mooring designated by the Municipality of Zaanstad.
Complaints and objections
Do you have a complaint about Inland Harbour Dues? You can submit your complaint online.
Do you disagree with an invoice or surcharge for inland harbour dues? Then you can submit an objection online.
Objections can be made within 6 weeks. You will receive a reply by e-mail within 5 working days. If it takes longer, we will contact you so that you are aware of the status.
If we find that you have paid too much or too little or have received an unjustified surcharge, we will settle the amount via an invoice or credit note.
Two public WiFi networks are available in the Municipality of Zaanstad or Port of Amsterdam port waters that you can use free of charge.
- Damen Shiprepair Amsterdam (Amsterdam)
- Damen Shiprepair Oranjewerf (Amsterdam)
- Zikking en Schriek B.V. (Amsterdam)
- Klaas Mulder (Zaanstad)
- Wolschrijn (Zaanstad)
- Orange Nautical Service (Zaanstad)
- Brouwer dok (Zaanstad)
- Holland Jachtbouw (Zaanstad)
- Brouwer Kruisbaken (Zaanstad)
- Brouwer location 3 (Zaanstad)
- Vooruit (Zaanstad)
- Julianabrug Kramer (Zaanstad)
- Molenaar (Zaanstad)
- Claasen (Zaanstad)
- Van Leeuwen (Zaanstad)
- Bijdam (Zaanstad)
- Desark (Zaanstad)
This can be verified in 3 ways:
- All e-mails are sent our through the following e-mail address: binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com.
- All transaction links redirect to our website. These links always starts with https://transactions.portofamsterdam.com.
- The traffic to our web pages are always encrypted. An encrypted web page always starts wil https://, and not http://. Most web browsers add a (green) lock to their address bar. If you receive a suspicious e-mail, you can report this to binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com.

Do you have questions about inland harbour dues? Chatbot Eef can help you out immediately. Click on the purple icon at the bottom right-hand side of your screen. Are you having trouble with Eef?
Please don't hesitate to reach out to the Inland Harbour Dues team
This is how we handle your data
You have created an account for submitting statements for Inland Harbour Dues. Port of Amsterdam uses your data exclusively to process these statements. We will not request any data from you apart from that required for this purpose. You have the option to modify your account and/or have it deleted.
Have you not used your account for three years? Have you fulfilled all your obligations for the payment of inland harbour dues? And are there no longer any legal obligations for Port of Amsterdam, for example in relation to the tax authorities? Then we will delete your data. The GDPR obliges us to do so. You can then create a new account on your next visit to our port.
As a data subject, you have numerous rights:
- the right of access to your data;
- the right to object to the processing of your data;
- the right to correct your (personal) data;
- the right to remove (part of) your (personal) data (or have it removed).
Do you want to invoke one of the above rights, including the removal or adjustment of your data? Send a message to binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com
If you have your account deleted, we will also delete the data we have from you for handling the inland harbour dues. Unless we still need it for the complete processing of your inland port dues statements, or to comply with other legal obligations.