Harbour dues and tariffs
Are you visiting the Port of Amsterdam with a seagoing vessel? Then you must pay harbour dues.
- Harbour dues
- Discount, reward and exemption
- Waste and waste delivery entitlement

Archive General Terms and Conditions and Rates 2024
Here you find the sea harbour dues and General Terms and Conditions and Rates of 2024.
Starting January 1st 2024:
Starting August 1st 2024:
1. Harbour dues
You must pay harbour dues if, after having passed through the IJmuiden locks, your ship is berthed in the Amsterdam port area. The harbour dues are invoiced on the basis of your data in the Port Community System (PCS). Please submit your Statement Harbour Dues through PCS, IAMconnected.
Please note that this only applies to cargo destined for Amsterdam. For cargo destined for Velsen, Beverwijk, IJmuiden, or Zaanstad, you must make a declaration to the relevant harbour or municipality.
IJ-palen dues
You must pay IJ-palen dues if your ship is being lightered at the IJ-palen (IJmuiden lightering facility). These dues will also be invoiced on the basis of your data in PCS.In addition to this, you are requested to send the transhipment statement by email to havengeld@portofamsterdam.com.
If you use a public berth, you also pay dues for the use of quays, buoys or dolphins. Please note: other tariffs and harbour dues apply for sea cruise ships.

2. Discount, reward and exemption
The following discounts and rewards on the harbour dues are available:
- Green Award
Seagoing ships with a Green Award Certificate are eligible for a discount of 6%. Please send a copy of the certificate by email to havengeld@portofamsterdam.com. - Environmental Ship Index
Has your ship been registered in the Environmental Ship Index (ESI)? And has your ship achieved an ESI score of 25 points or higher? In that case, you will automatically and directly be given a discount on your harbour dues invoice. - Discount for approved liner services
Apply for a liner service arrangement for a discount on the harbour dues. - Quantity discount for agri bulk cargoes
Do you regularly visit our port with ships that are loaded for more than 50% with agri bulk cargoes? If so, you may be eligible for a quantity discount. Please consult our General Terms and Conditions and list of rates to see if this is the case.
There are various exemptions from harbour dues. Please apply for an exemption through PCS. Exemptions may be granted for sea training ships or navy ships.
3. Waste and waste delivery entitlement
You always pay a waste charge—even if your ship has no waste to dispose of. The waste charge will be established based on your data in PCS.

4. Nautical services
You pay the Harbour Master's Division for the services provided by harbour patrol boats, by its employees, and for the provision of materials for private ships.
5. Day Tourist Tax for cruise ship passengers
For transit cruise passengers arriving within the municipal boundaries of Amsterdam, daily tourist tax of € 14 per passenger (per 24 hours or part thereof) must be paid. This is separate from port fees. The declaration is made via Easydock.

Do you have questions about any of the above? Contact our experts, Robert Evers.