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Sea shipping


In advance

Notification of each ship visit must be given at least 24 hours before arrival in PCS.

We will notify you via email whether you need any additional exemptions or permits.


Before arrival

Consult the lock schedule for the most up-to-date planning information for ships using the IJmuiden North Lock.

Make a public berth reservation, if necessary.

Order the nautical service providers up to two hours before arrival.

Containers in de haven

Arrival and stay in the port

Upon arrival, the captain and the Harbour Master establish contact through VHF.

During your stay, you can dispose of ship waste or apply for an exemption or permit.

Scheepvaart Noordzeekanaal

Berth shift and departure

Report any berth shifts or departures in time via PCS and order the nautical service providers up to two hours before departure.

Invoices for the harbour dues and for extra services - if there are any - will be sent to your agent.

werken bij

Compulsory pilotage

Captains have long been able to apply for exemption from compulsory pilotage with a PEC (Pilotage Exemption Certificate). Read more about:

  • PEC structure
  • Applying for a PEC
  • Limits for the PEC, such as weather conditions

Sluis IJmuiden

Waterway information

All the facts about our waterways, including the largest sea lock in the world.

kerntaken en rollen

Port map

On the Port map you will find nautical information and berth information for seagoing vessels.

Read more about...

Contact the Harbor Master's Division

Contact the Harbor Master's Division to report arrival and departure, with operational reporting, to ask for assistance with permits and exemptions, to indicate hazardous substances, and learn more about waiting areas, for example.

werken in de haven

The Maritime Product Team

To make all visits to the Amsterdam port area as quick, easy and predictable as possible, Port of Amsterdam works to create smarter products and services, every single day.

During 2023, the Maritime Product Team will focus mostly on:

MyPort: the online platform for smarter and faster business in the Amsterdam port. All services and tools available on the platform MyPort are well-designed and personalized based on the needs of the customer.

Digital applications: developing and/or optimizing the digital services, such as;

  • Applications: Smarter forms with more pre-filled data so that you can send out your application faster. This includes an overview of submitted applications and the status.
  • Lock Schedule: There is an up-to-date planner for Zeesluis IJmuiden and the Noordersluis. Please note that the impact of salinization could potentially affect the Lock Schedule.
  • New Seaport dues application: a digital form for submitting a quick, easy and efficient statements regarding seaport dues.

Predictability: based on the seafaring vision, we develop services that manage expectations so that all parties involved in a seafaring journey can respond with speed.

Do you have questions? Or suggestions? We look forward to hearing from you! Send us a message via

What's new?

Shipping February 27 . 2025
The Prince Willem-Alexander Lock will be closed to shipping traffic from February 28 to March 4, 2025. In extreme weather conditions, Rijkswaterstaat will move the blockage to the period March 7 to March 11, 2025. Shipping traffic will use diversion routes during the blockage.
Shipping February 27 . 2025
Some skippers indicated that it would be helpful if the Westport numbers public wharves could be found on our website. For example, in case of emergencies or if they get a visit from BV and mechanic.
Shipping February 27 . 2025
Cars were regularly parked on the breakwater at Haparanda Dam, even though this is not allowed.