Inland harbour dues by direct debit
Opting for direct debit? From now you'll receive a 2% discount on your inland harbour dues. And we'll double your payment term to 28 days.
Dutch bank account number
If you have a Dutch account number, you can easily arrange the switch to direct debit via the inland harbour dues application.

International bank account number
With an international bank account number, you arrange it in 3 steps.
- Print and sign the direct debit mandate form
- Take a photo of the signed form with your smartphone
- E-mail your photo to binnenhavengeld@portofamsterdam.com
You can cancel at any time by sending us an e-mail.
Prefer to send the form by post?
Prefer to send the form by post? Please send your signed form to us. A stamp is not required.
Havenbedrijf Amsterdam NV
t.a.v. debiteuren binnenhavengeld
Antwoordnummer 10191
1000 PA Amsterdam
The Netherlands

Want to learn more? Contact our Inland Harbour Dues team.