Dry bulk
The Amsterdam port area is a leading player in dry bulk. Be it agribulk, industrial minerals, coal, biomass, iron ore or scrap metal. A significant portion of dry bulk is also processed at the Amsterdam port before being shipped to the European hinterland.
Dry bulk handling terminals
The port of Amsterdam is home to several specialized terminals that handle the shipping, storage and transportation of all types of dry bulk, among other things. The terminals are located next to deep-water quays and have their own transport facilities for rail and inland navigation.
Dry bulk cargo flows in Amsterdam
The port of Amsterdam is an important international logistics hub for agricultural goods. Examples include soybeans, grains, oilseeds and raw materials for animal feed. The region is home to many food companies. Consequently, many agricultural products are processed in and around the port of Amsterdam.
Industrial minerals
In the Amsterdam port area, fifteen companies are engaged in the storage and handling, processing and end-use of minerals. About half of the imported minerals are processed in this region. Roughly half of these are then sold in the immediate surroundings of Amsterdam. All other minerals are transported - processed or otherwise - to the hinterland.
Amsterdam is een grote energiehaven. Kolenoverslag wordt ondergebracht op grote en flexibele terminals. Tegelijkertijd is de energietransitie een feit en moeten we verduurzamen. Daarom bereiden we ons samen met onze klanten voor een kolenvrije haven in 2030. Op de terminals waar nog kolen worden opgeslagen, zullen steeds meer andere grondstoffen worden op- en overgeslagen.
Biomass is the biodegradable fraction of agricultural crops, forestry and similar residues, and waste. Extensive facilities are available at the terminals in the Amsterdam port area for the storage, handling and processing of dry bulk products such as biomass. Several companies convert biomass into biofuels and green energy.
Iron ore
Tata Steel in IJmuiden is Europe's second-largest steel producer. Together with Tata Steel, the Amsterdam port area handles a significant portion of the overseas imports of iron ore into northwestern Europe. The Amsterdam port has four all-weather terminals, with a dehumidification system for the storage of steel goods.
Scrap metal
Despite low steel prices on the world market, the transshipment of scrap metal is a growing market in Amsterdam. Scrap is brought in from the hinterland by trucks and barges. In Amsterdam, it is sorted and exported via bulk ships, mostly to Turkey.
Raw construction materials
In the port of Amsterdam, we are making room for alternative cargo flows, such as construction raw materials. Construction raw materials are essential for the production of concrete and asphalt, among other things.
Dry bulk companies in the port of Amsterdam
In our Portle business directory you can see which dry bulk companies are all located in the Amsterdam port.