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Extra waiting place and extension of jetty

From now on, there we will an additional waiting place for coupled push barges. This waiting berth will be an extension of the current waiting berths along the Houthaven breakwater.
Walstroomkasten vanaf nu slim

All shore power points ‘smart’ from now on

In November 2022, we replaced the shore power points on the inland shipping jetty in the Nieuwe Houthaven with 'smart' shore power points. A real milestone, because now all the shore power points are smart in the port of Amsterdam!
Extra wachtplaats voor koppelverbanden

Additional waiting berth for torque links

In the first quarter of 2023 we will create an additional waiting place for coupled push barges. This waiting berth will be an extension of the current waiting berths along the Houthaven breakwater.
Derde watertappunt voor bunkeren

Third drinking water supply point

In the first quarter of 2023, we will install a third drinking water supply point along the Houthaven breakwater.
Binnenvaartschipper sluit walstroom aan

Port of Amsterdam installs new smart shore power cabinets

In the coming months Port of Amsterdam will replace all existing shore power units with smart, green shore power. This will happen to all cabinets in the port area within the ring (A10) of Amsterdam. In total there are 55 cabinets for inland navigation and 16 cabinets for river cruises and super yachts.
Nieuwe bolders in de Afrikahaven

5 improved facilities in the port

Recently, Port of Amsterdam has improved or added five facilities in the port. They are a second drinking water tap, extra poles for smaller ships and extra bollards. In addition, regular inland navigation vessels are now allowed to moor at the push barge spots in the Suezhaven. We made these adjustments on the basis of suggestions from inland navigation itself. After all, we ask for feedback after each visit. In this way, we try to facilitate inland navigation as much as possible and we can continuously improve our facilities.