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Logistiek centrum OpenIJ

The logistics centre has been relocated

The OpenIJ Logistics Centre is the place where all materials for the construction of the new sea lock are stored. Initially, the centre was located in Amsterdam's Western Port Area, but recently the site has been relocated and the materials have been stored close to the lock complex.
sluiskolk uitbaggeren nieuwe zeesluis

A dredged-out lock chamber

In 11 weeks’ time, 600,000 m3 of sand has been dredged out of the lock chamber by cutter suction dredger ‘Biesbosch’. The lock chamber is now at a depth of 19m below NAP. The bottom of the lock will be made of gravel and concrete which, when completed, will give the lock a maximum depth of 18 metres.
nieuwe zeesluis

A name for the new sea lock

In July, the municipality of Velsen and Rijkswaterstaat launched a competition campaign for the naming of the new sea lock at IJmuiden. And with success: The municipality of Velsen received almost 5000 responses!
Overslag eerste halfjaar Amsterdamse havens

Transhipment in North Sea Canal ports down by more than 10 percent due to coronavirus crisis

Transhipment in the seaports in the North Sea Canal region fell by 10.7% to 48.7 million tonnes in the first six months of this year. The impact of the global corona virus crisis on the transhipment figures is clear.
Cocoa in de haven

Dutch Seaports win International Award for Sustainability

The Dutch seaports of Rotterdam, Amsterdam, Terneuzen/Vlissingen, Moerdijk, and Groningen have jointly won the ‘World Ports Sustainability Award’.
Schipper met computer met hierop de nieuwe arrivals app

New digital web app Arrivals launched

The new digital web app Arrivals is live. This application gives you access to information about all ship movements in the port of Amsterdam.