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Windpark Fryslân

Building a wind farm: power for everyone

In a series of four interviews, we share everything about our views on building wind farms on the water. The first to speak: Joris Hol, project leader at Wind Farm Fryslân.
Samskip lijndienst spoor

Samskip launches Duisburg - Amsterdam rail service

Multimodal company Samskip and Nunner Logistics are launching direct rail services between Amsterdam and Duisburg, in a new and far-reaching commitment to shippers using rail, road and waterborne transport services out of two of North Europe’s main container ports.
Overslag eerste halfjaar Amsterdamse havens

Transhipment in North Sea Canal ports down by more than 10 percent due to coronavirus crisis

Transhipment in the seaports in the North Sea Canal region fell by 10.7% to 48.7 million tonnes in the first six months of this year. The impact of the global corona virus crisis on the transhipment figures is clear.
Graphic nieuwe Energiehaven

New Energy port for a sustainable future

The dredge sludge depot at the former Averijhaven near IJmuiden will soon be developed into an Energy Port. A partnership covenant for the new facility was signed today.

Athos project popular with potential partners

Athos, the joint project set up by Gasunie, EBN, Port of Amsterdam and Tata Steel for carbon capture, transport, utilisation and storage in the North Sea Canal region, put out a call for potential customers and carbon storage partners in November 2019 and received a very pleasing number of responses.
Waste Transformers

Circular disrupts misguided linear system

The Waste Transformers transform waste into financial value at the location where the waste originates. ‘In this way we offer waste producers the possibility of transforming their own waste into clean energy and more.’