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Corona-maatregelen bouwplaats

Three questions to Peter van Hoogstraten of OpenIJ

In recent months, the corona crisis has also reached the new sea lock in IJmuiden. OpenIJ started taking measures at the construction site at a very early stage. Peter van Hoogstraten is project leader at OpenIJ for the eastern part of the lock in IJmuiden. We asked him three questions about this.
Nieuwe sluis

New sea lock, what's happening in July and August?

In the coming months, the eastern part of the northern flood barrier will be constructed, the threshold will be connected to the inner courtyard and the lock chamber will be dredged.

The sand depot of the new sea lock in IJmuiden

The new sea lock will be completely dredged out and all this sand will have to go somewhere. How does this work? What are they doing with all this sand? Arjan Kroot, site manager of the lock complex, explained the working techniques used on the construction site.
Opstarten Riviercruise Amsterdam

River cruise step by step welcomed back in the port of Amsterdam

Now that the corona measures will be eased by the national government from June 1st onwards, it is possible to organise activities for up to 30 people. We are starting to see more excursion boats in the canals and, this month, a river cruise vessel in the port.
Nieuwe zeesluis in beeld met nummeraanduiding van de werkzaamheden in mei en juni 2020

New sea lock, what's happening in May and June 2020?

The following works will be carried out in May and June: The western part of the Middle Lock island will be cleared, the cofferdam for the lock sill of the outer head will be removed, and testing will be carried out on the new lock gates in Amsterdam and IJmuiden.
Schipper met computer met hierop de nieuwe arrivals app

New digital web app Arrivals launched

The new digital web app Arrivals is live. This application gives you access to information about all ship movements in the port of Amsterdam.