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On this page you will find all decrees for Amsterdam, Zaanstad, Velsen, Beverwijk and Sluizencomplex IJmuiden.

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Total: 103
NR. Type Gebied Titel Datum Sort ascending
2022/28 Decree Port basin » Mercuriushaven Amended Traffic Decree of the Director of the Central Nautical Management to impose a prohibition to shipping traffic to enter a work area located in the Mercuriushaven near the northern mooring (transhipment) buoys 12-09-2022
2022/32 Decree Municipality » ANZKG Draft Policy on Bollard Pull Testing 14-06-2022
2022/20 Decree Municipality » ANZKG Permit for the bunkering of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with an LNG bunker ship 29-04-2022
2022/20 Decree Municipality » ANZKG Permit for the bunkering of Liquefied Natural Gas (LNG) with an LNG bunker ship 29-04-2022
2022/17 Decree Port basin » Oostelijk Havengebied » Het IJ Decree on mooring prohibition for river cruise berths 4, 5 and 6 located at Ruijterkade Oost 28-04-2022
2022/17 Decree Port basin » Oostelijk Havengebied » Het IJ Decree on mooring prohibition for river cruise berths 4, 5 and 6 located at Ruijterkade Oost 28-04-2022
2022/A34 Decree Port basin » Oostelijk Havengebied » Het IJ Decree designating persons authorized to give traffic information and traffic instructions to shipping traffic in connection with the construction activities at De Ruyterkade 14-04-2022
2022/A34 Decree Port basin » Oostelijk Havengebied » Het IJ Decree designating persons authorized to give traffic information and traffic instructions to shipping traffic in connection with the construction activities at De Ruyterkade 14-04-2022
2022/07 Decree Lock Ontheffingssregels passage Zeesluis IJmuiden 27-01-2022
2022/08 Decree Lock Ontheffingsregels passage schepen door de Noordersluis IJmuiden 27-01-2022