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The port of Amsterdam

On our way to a climate-neutral port
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A sustainable port area


How Port of Amsterdam works on green hydrogen

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Give your work a new impulse and join the Port of Amsterdam. A workplace that is in motion 24/7 and where themes such as energy transition, digitalisation, innovation, and shipping set the course.

What's new?

About Port of Amsterdam April 25 . 2024
The Port of Amsterdam’s annual report published today shows that the port is in transition. While revenues rose to €190.4 million, transhipment fell to 63 million tonnes. This is mainly due to a decline in fossil fuel transhipment.
ondertekening mou waterstofcorridor amsterdam
Business November 15 . 2023
Together with a wide variety of partners, Port of Amsterdam announced three agreements during the H2 Connecting Event in Duisburg, which bolster the port’s position as a key supplier of renewable hydrogen and its derivatives to the German market. The aim of the H2 Connecting Event, presided over by His Majesty the King of the Netherlands Willem-Alexander, is to strengthen the collaboration between the Netherlands and Germany in the field of renewable hydrogen, as well as to lay the foundation for intra-European corridors, with Spanish producers potentially supplying German off-takers via the Netherlands. The three agreements signed by Port of Amsterdam pursue these same goals, and seek to leverage the existing partnerships Port of Amsterdam has with prominent prospective producers.
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Shipping October 4 . 2023
Due to the accomodation of refugees by the municipality of Zaanstad, a number of berths for barges in the Wim Thomassenhaven will disappear during the fourth quarter. For further information, please contact to the municipality of Zaanstad. Alternatives for mooring push barges are available in the Westhaven, the ADM haven, the Suezhaven and in the Hornhaven.