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Announcements to shipping, BAORs and other decrees

On this page, you will find all the announcements to shipping:

  • Announcements to shipping IJmond - North Sea Canal area (Basijnen)
  • BAORs (Decrees Operational Room Indication)
  • Other decrees

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Announcements BAORs Decrees

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Total: 100
NR. Type Area Title Date Sort ascending
2020/049 Decree Seagoing vessels with fumigated cargo Decree adopting the Action Plan for seagoing ships of which the cargo has been treated with fumigants in a foreign port, including the Decree designating Berths for ships that have been loaded with transhipped cargo not sufficiently free of fumigants 01-01-2021
2020/49 Decree Seagoing vessels with fumigated cargo Adoption decree plan for seagoing vessels whose cargo has been treated with disinfectants abroad 01-01-2021
2020/341864 Decree Generator bans Prohibition on the use of generators at Pontsteiger Oude Houthaven 23-12-2020
2020/69 Decree Other decrees Decree adopting a Bunkering Permit, De-bunkering Prohibition and Permit Requirements for fuels and energy sources 21-12-2020
2020/62 Announcement Other decrees Announcement of the Decree adopting a Bunkering Permit, De-bunkering Prohibition and Permit Requirements for fuels and energy sources 21-12-2020
2020/56 Announcement Adoption of the Action Plan for seagoing ships of which the cargo has been treated with fumigants in a foreign port; and the decree designating berths for ships that have been loaded with transhipped cargoes that are not sufficiently free of fumigants 10-12-2020
2020/45A Announcement Velsen IJmuiden Velserkom - permanent positioning of a measuring pontoon 28-10-2020
2020/35 Announcement Adoption of the maximum speed on the North Sea Canal and on the Afgesloten IJ until the Stenen Hoofd at Amsterdam 30-07-2020
2020/29 Decree Port Waste Plan Tariffs Decree as from 01 July 2020 01-07-2020
2019/26 Announcement Policy Regulations in relation to the overtaking of oversized ships by other seagoing ships in the North Sea Canal between the Velserpont (river ferry at Velsen) and the entrance to Afrikahaven 28-06-2020