The terminals in the Amsterdam port region are highly experienced in storing, transshipping and processing biomass. Amsterdam is situated in the ARA hub and has excellent connections to the European hinterland.

Logical location for biomass
The port of Amsterdam is the location for biomass, the biodegradable fraction of agricultural crops, forestry and similar residues, and waste. The port is the second largest coal and agri bulk port in Europe and the largest cocoa port in the world.
The terminals in the Amsterdam port area have a great deal of experience. They also have extensive facilities available for the storage, transhipment and processing of dry bulk products such as biomass. Various companies convert biomass into biofuels and green energy.

Excellent multimodal connections
Amsterdam is located in the international logistical ARA hub (Amsterdam, Rotterdam and Antwerp). It has excellent inland shipping and rail connections to the hinterland of Europe.
In combination with the ambition to grow in a sustainable way, this makes the Amsterdam port a logical location for biomass.
There are several companies in biomass in the port of Amsterdam.
Direct contact with our experts
For questions, wishes or more information on biomass