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Reparatie en ontmanteling van schepen

Repair and decommissioning

Every year, dozens of offshore vessels come to Amsterdam for repair and maintenance. This takes place at our clients Damen Shiprepair and Oranjewerf, Koole Maritiem, Dutch Offshore, HORS, and Smalo, among others.

Reparatie en ontmanteling

Repairs and decommissioning in Amsterdam

Amsterdam is the perfect location for the maintenance of ships. Several companies are active in the port for the repair and decommissioning of ships. They have years of experience in working for the offshore industry. Safety and flexibility are central to this.

There are various shipyards that have dry docks that all meet the latest environmental requirements. These dry docks vary in length from 135 to 250 metres.

Direct contact with our experts

For specific queries or more information on repairs and decommissioning.

Allard Klinkers

Allard Klinkers

Commercial Manager Offshore & Logistics