Hydrogen Medal for Ellen Ruhotas
Today, Ellen Ruhotas (Zenith Energy Terminals Europe) was the recipient of a Hydrogen Medal for her extraordinary efforts to develop an innovative green hydrogen chain, which could be of great importance for the hydrogen import position of Amsterdam, and, by extension, the Netherlands. The medal was presented to her by Mr. Han Feenstra, one of the founders of the National Hydrogen Program and senior policy advisor at the Ministry of Economic Affairs and Climate, on behalf of Port of Amsterdam.
Ellen Ruhotas has rapidly become a leading advocate for the Dutch hydrogen position in general and that of Amsterdam in particular. Her charismatic, personal and enthusiastic attitude is not only contagious, but also builds bridges that bring the entire import chain together. She has played a very prominent role in partnerships, amongst others with Oman, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Spain and Germany.
Her innovative approach has accelerated the development of liquid hydrogen as a means of transportation. Ellen always has the Dutch interest at heart and is tirelessly pushing to position Amsterdam as a central point in the global hydrogen corridors. With these efforts, she is working hard to make the vision of the Netherlands as a hydrogen hub a reality. And she is doing this in the way that suits her best: together with others.
Green hydrogen corridor
The projected future demand for hydrogen in the Netherlands will most likely exceed the amount of green hydrogen that can be produced domestically. To meet this expected demand, the import of green hydrogen will play an increasingly vital role. As Port of Amsterdam, we are focusing on the non-ammonia vectors, such as Liquid Organic Hydrogen Carriers (LOHC) and liquid hydrogen (LH2). The goal is to establish a 100% green value chain, together with partners and companies in the port. As the operator of one of the most prominent energy storage and distribution facilities in the port of Amsterdam, Zenith Energy Terminals plays an important role in realising this ambition. The company is developing its own liquid hydrogen import, storage, distribution and regasification facility in Amsterdam, aimed at providing international hydrogen producers access to the Dutch and European hydrogen markets.