Riviercruiseschip in Amsterdamse haven

Implementation date Green Award requirement for river cruise ships postponed

20 April 2021

Port of Amsterdam has decided to postpone the implementation date of the Green Award requirement for river cruise ships for a year to 1 January 2023 in order to accommodate the industry. The pandemic has hit the river cruise industry hard.

Port of Amsterdam has decided to postpone the implementation date of the Green Award requirement for river cruise ships for a year to 1 January 2023 in order to accommodate the industry. The pandemic has hit the river cruise industry hard.

Encouraging clean shipping

To stimulate clean shipping in the port of Amsterdam, in November 2019 we announced the introduction of the Green Award as of 1 January 2022. Only ships with a Green Award would then be allowed to moor at a berth in the city centre. Ships without a Green Award certificate would only have access to a berth in the Coenhaven. This rule has now been postponed for a year.

Green Award certification

Since the announcement in 2019, 46 ships have already been certified. A further 32 ships have applied for inspection. In the 2022 season, ships that already have a Green Award certificate will be given priority in the city centre.

The Green Award organization is working on first come first serve basis and is currently having many ships on the list. We therefore recommend to apply already now for certification and not wait too long. You can find all the information on www.greenaward.org