loodsplicht regeling

As of January 1, 2024, there is a modification to the Compulsory Pilotage Decree

19 December 2023

As of January 1, 2024, a new version of the pilotage regulation will be taken into effect. Various changes will apply to the Amsterdam-IJmond seaport area. Most changes can be found in Chapter 3, within Article 23 and Article 27 specifically.

Chapter 3 of the Pilotage Regulation (Articles 23-29) includes information about:

  • Which waterways in the seaport area are subject to pilotage;
  • Who is the authority responsible for the pilotage;
  • How categorical exemptions are regulated;
  • Exemption from pilotage for work vessels;
  • Exemption from pilotage for PEC (Pilotage Exemption Certificate) holders;
  • Exemption from pilotage with a PEC for small sea vessels;
  • Additional provisions regarding training modules for obtaining a PEC.

The established changes concern Article 23 and Article 27.

Article 23: Further designation of pilotage-required shipping routes

Article 23 designates the pilotage-required shipping routes. In Article 23d, side channels C and D of the North Sea Canal are no longer subject to pilotage. This means that pilotage is no longer applicable in these side channels. The amended article outlines the pilotage-required shipping routes in the Amsterdam-IJmond seaport area, including the adjacent harbours:

a. The approach to the North Sea Canal: the portion of the territorial waters within the area bordered by the seaward-facing arc with a radius of 5 nautical miles, measured from the vantage point of the lighthouse on the south pier of IJmuiden (52°27'.82 N 004°31'.94 E) scoping from the coastline on the south side (52°22'.83 N 004°31'.52 E) to the coastline on the north side (52°32'.20 N 004°35'.86 E);

b. Outer Harbor IJmuiden: the area from the approach to the North Sea Canal, bordered by the lighthouse of IJmuiden to the locks of IJmuiden;

c. The North Sea Canal;

d. The side channels of the North Sea Canal, namely:

  • Side channel A;
  • Side channel G up to the Wilhelmina lock;

e. The IJ up to the Oranje locks and the Amsterdam bridge in the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal, including the fore-harbour of the North Holland Canal.

Article 27: Exemption from pilotage with a PEC B, C, or D

Article 27 of the pilotage regulation deals with the exemption from pilotage with a Pilotage Exemption Certificate. In this article, the harbour basins of the Amsterdam harbour are now divided. The amended article outlines the different PEC trajectories in the Amsterdam-IJmond seaport area:

a. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Outer Harbor IJmuiden (the area west of the lock complex);

b. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Harbors of Velsen and Beverwijk (the area east of the lock complex up to kilometre post 8); and

c. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Afrikahaven (up to kilometre post 12);

d. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Amerikahaven (up to kilometre post 15);

e. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Westhaven (up to kilometre post 17);

f. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Carel Reiniershaven (up to kilometre post 19);

g. Approach to the North Sea Canal - Coen and Mercuriushaven (up to kilometre post 22);

h. Approach to the North Sea Canal - the closed IJ up to the Oranje locks and the Amsterdam Bridge in the Amsterdam-Rhine Canal.

In the areas referred to in trajectories d to h, the intervening harbour basins are not part of the trajectory.

Issuance of PEC

The issuance of Pilotage Exemption Certificates from 2021 has already taken into account the adjustment in sub-trajectories. Therefore, there are no restrictive consequences for current PEC holders.

For questions, you can contact the Port Office (portoffice@portofamsterdam.com – 020-5234600, option 2), or consult the information guide on our website.