Maritime Sector Signs Call to Action to accelerate the use of clean fuels in shipping industry
Together with around fifty other maritime parties, ports, and shipping companies, we signed a Call to Action during the week of COP29 to accelerate the use of zero-emission fuels in shipping. The aim is to make at least 5 percent, and preferably 10 percent, of shipping fuels emission-free by 2030.
By signing this Call to Action, we emphasize the need for accelerated policy, investments in zero-emission vessels, and the global development of hydrogen infrastructure. Ports are urged to invest in infrastructure for the safe storage and delivery of green hydrogen and hydrogen-derived fuels. The action also calls for clear and ambitious regulations from the International Maritime Organization to stimulate investments in the sector.
Collaboration is essential
The Call to Action for Clean Shipping is an initiative of RMI, the UN Climate Change High-Level Champions, and the UCL Energy Institute. These three parties indicate that close collaboration between green hydrogen producers, the shipping industry, and policymakers is essential to create the right conditions for cleaner shipping.
Clean shipping in the port of Amsterdam
In the Port of Amsterdam, we are working towards emission-free shipping by 2050. The steps we are taking to achieve this goal are outlined in our Vision on Clean Shipping. For instance, we are building an onshore power installation at the Passenger Terminal to facilitate zero-emission sea cruises. We are also working on the development of a dynamic bunkering map, which will allow us to better assess the external safety risks of bunkering new fuels, so that ships can safely bunker these clean fuels in the future. Additionally, we are committed to promoting the use of clean fuels by offering discounts on port fees to ships running on sustainable fuels.
Read more about the "Call to Action - Green Fuels for Green Shipping" in this report.