Duwbakken in het havengebied in Amsterdam

Mooring facility for push barges with trackers

08 September 2020

Port of Amsterdam is continuously improving its facilities and services. From 1 September 2020, barges with trackers will have the privilege of berthing in specially designated mooring areas.

The mooring facility for push barges at 'het Slik' can only be used for push-barges with trackers. 'Het Slik' is located in the eastern part of the IJ, between the KNSM island and Albemarle. From 1 September, 'het Slik' is only intended for push barges with trackers connected to Poseidon for which the operator has a data-contract concluded with Port of Amsterdam (PoA).

Push barges without trackers can still moor at the other mooring locations for push barges in Amsterdam and Zaanstad. These push barge locations remain accessible to all push barges, with or without a tracker, until further notice.


With this new regulation Port of Amsterdam aims to stimulate push barge operators to provide push barges with trackers and to connect them to Poseidon. The more push barges are connected, the better we can facilitate push barge operators in finding free spaces.

Another advantage for push barges with trackers is that these push barges are eligible to be fully automatically registered for the Port due process, which will be settled on the basis of the actual visiting time.

More information about Poseidon and the current occupancy rate of push-barges can be found on our website.

General terms and conditions

The General terms and conditions for berthing and push barges have came into force on 1 September. As of 1 September, Port of Amsterdam will monitor whether parties are complying with the new regulation with a transition period of one month.