
New drinking water supply point on Haparanda Dam

27 June 2023

In the third quarter of 2023, there will be a new drinking water supply point at the Haparanda Dam. There was already a drinking water supply point at the Haparanda Dam and in the Afrikahaven, but there was high demand for a second one. At this new drinking water supply point, there is no car drop-off area.

Tapping water at one of the Port of Amsterdam drinking water supply points is free up to 6m³ per day. Do you want more water on one day? Then you pay €2.50 per cubic metre. On the Haparanda Dam you can pay with the chipknip on the SAB eco card, in Afrikahaven you can pay via Ease2Pay. If payment is made via Ease2Pay, the first free 6m³ will be corrected afterwards when invoicing. In the future, it will be possible to pay via Ease2Pay at all water taps.