Noord-Holland acquires Hydrogen Valley status
The development of hydrogen has acquired the European status of Hydrogen Valley in the province Noord-Holland, the region announced today.
This encompasses a European grant for areas that set themselves apart by their devotion to developing an energy system based on sustainable hydrogen.
The status has been granted to a combination of clusters in the North Sea Canal and Noord-Holland-Noord. The combination of the location, the presence of industries that are energy-intensive, seaports, and an airport, makes it an ideal area to develop hydrogen on a substantial scale. Check out the video about Hydrogen Hub Noord-Holland.
The benefit of the grant is the access the area now has to knowledge and funding from Europe, which will enhance the acceleration of sustainability in the energy supply.
Together with other members of the Bestuursplatform Noordzeekanaalgebied (and many other public and private parties), Port of Amsterdam has supported the development of the green hydrogen economy in the North Sea Canal during the past years. Because of this, the ‘acceleration table hydrogen’ has been created, where the parties involved work together on developing hydrogen projects in the area. The region has been called a best-practice when acquiring the European grant because of the ‘public and private collaboration’ and ‘financing’ aspects in the area. More information can be found on the website Clean Hydrogen Partnership (CHP) .
The press release can be read on Provincie Noord-Holland's website. Read the translated version of the press release here.