Price increase on Harbour Dues 

21 December 2023

Havengeldtarieven stijgen op 1 januari 2024 met 5,90% tegenover 2023. De stijging is deels in lijn met de inflatie waar ook Port of Amsterdam mee te maken heeft. Verder is er rekening gehouden met de ontwikkeling van havengelden in andere havens binnen de ARA-regio (Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerpen).  

On January 1st 2024, the Harbour Dues will rise by 5.90% in comparison to 2023. The increase is partly in line with inflation, which Port of Amsterdam also faces. Furthermore, the development of Harbour Dues in other ports within the ARA region (Amsterdam-Rotterdam-Antwerp) have been considered.  

New rates

You can find the new rates for the Harbour Dues on the Port of Amsterdam website:


Why do skippers pay Harbour Dues?

Harbour Dues are the fees skippers pay for the port facilities and amenities, such as the use of berths and other infrastructure in the port.  

Discount on use of LNG expires

Skippers whose ocean vessel is registered with the Environmental Ship Index (ESI) are eligible for a discount on the Harbour Dues. Until 31 December 2023, an additional discount was possible within the ESI for the use of LNG. This discount will expire from January 1st, 2024.  

Frequently asked questions

Frequently asked questions and their answers can be found on the website. Here you will also find other changes to the general terms and conditions and the tariff lists.  

For other questions about the tariffs, please contact Thomas Wagemaakers at e-mail address: thomas.wagemaakers@portofamsterdam.com