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Satisfaction with communication and information has risen again

01 October 2020

Every six months, Rijkswaterstaat examines the satisfaction of local residents, companies and other stakeholders and interested parties with the information and communication of the new sea lock project at IJmuiden.

Over the past six months the report marks for Rijkswaterstaat and building consortium OpenIJ have risen again.

On a scale from 1-10, the score awarded to Rijkswaterstaat has risen from 7.4 to 8.1. Contractor consortium OpenIJ now scores a 7.3. In the previous survey, at the beginning of 2020, this was still a 6.4. The top 3 means of communication remain website (59%), Rijkswaterstaat's digital newsletter (52%), and the regional newspaper (30%).

Information provision on the construction of the new sea lock

People are of the opinion that they are quite well informed. The percentage of satisfied people has risen from 62% to 74%. People living in the vicinity of the lock complex are the most satisfied with the provision of information, at 80%. Of the people who live less than 3 km from the construction site, 60% are satisfied with the provision of information.

There is also dissatisfaction, which relates to the duration and cost of the construction, the inconvenience to traffic and several setbacks.

Rely on the construction

The attitude towards the effects of the construction of the new sea lock has become somewhat more positive. Confidence in the construction has also increased and, according to the study, the nuisance for local residents has also decreased.

Just as satisfied as before 2017

In recent years, the new sea lock has had to deal with several setbacks and events that have had a negative impact on its satisfaction and report marks.

Positive information about the sinking operations of the lock gate chambers (2018 and 2019) and the installation of the upper wheel carriage (2020) have raised the marks to 8.1. This brings satisfaction with the project back to the same level as in 2017. It is very pleasing to note that many positive reactions have been received from the surrounding area with regard to communication and the provision of information.