Kiran Badloe van TeamNL

Setting the course for the Netherlands Hydrogenland now

19 April 2021

With less than 100 days to go until the postponed Olympic Games in Tokyo, the leaders of Nederland Waterstofland are seizing the moment to draw attention to the strength of the Netherlands as a hydrogen country.

Under the name Mission H2, an initiative of Gasunie, Groningen Seaports, Remeha, Shell, Stedin Group, Toyota and Port of Amsterdam, together with the ambassadors of TeamNL, awareness is generated for hydrogen as a pillar underpinning the climate ambitions of the Netherlands. The campaign with the message "Together we will make the Netherlands Hydrogen Land" was launched today.

In the campaign, Olympic sports personalities Marit Bouwmeester, Kiran Badloe, Ferry Weertman and other Olympic and Paralympic water sport heroes show that if we choose the right course now, we will all soon experience the dazzling energy of hydrogen. And that is necessary. Because if we do not scale up to large-scale hydrogen applications now, we will lag behind our neighbours, we will not achieve our climate targets and we will not make sufficient use of the national earning power of hydrogen. Reason enough for this hydrogen consortium to sound the alarm!

Thanks to its links with wind and water, the Netherlands is excellently positioned to become the hydrogen country of Europe. We have everything: the North Sea for offshore wind, seaports, knowledge and infrastructure. But then we have to get going today: Together we will make the Netherlands hydrogen country!

Vision, decisiveness and acceleration

Last week no fewer than 80 Dutch companies presented their hydrogen commitments to the government. In doing so, the Dutch business community demonstrated its decisiveness and willingness to invest in accelerating the hydrogen economy, for employment, the economy and the climate. The next move is up to the government!

Ulco Vermeulen, Executive Board of Gasunie, one of the Mission H2 partners: 'The comparison between hydrogen transition and top-class sport is perfect. At this very moment national sports federations, Olympic and Paralympic committees and above all our athletes are preparing with full dedication and unanimity for the biggest sports event in the world. That is exactly why we are now fully committed to a green future with hydrogen. The government, the business community and knowledge institutes must now show the same vision, focus and decisiveness as our top athletes. We won't make it with less.

Collaboration TeamNL & water sports unions

The campaign is being run in close cooperation with TeamNL and the water sports associations KNZB, KNRB and Watersportverbond. Our water sports enthusiasts know the power of wind and water like no other. That is why we are so proud of our multiple Olympic, Paralympic, World, European and Dutch champions: Marit Bouwmeester, Ferry Weertman, Kiran Badloe, Liesette Bruinsma, Ilse Paulis & Marieke Keijser.