Wet Publieke Gezondheid
Let us know if you have passengers with certain contagious diseases on board. Or if you suspect this.

Infectious diseases? Take the folllowing steps
Are you the ship's master of a ship making an international voyage? Are you calling at one of the ports in the North Sea Canal Area? Do have grounds to suspect that there are one or more patients on board with an infectious disease? If so, you should report this as soon as possible to the Vessel Traffic Management of the Harbour Master's Division, and to the pilot embarking your ship.
You should also notify the Vessel Traffic Management of the Harbour Master's Division via PCS, or by telephone or VHF in the following cases:
Infectious diseases
Prior to arrival:
Following your notification, the Vessel Traffic Management will inform the Netherlands Coastguard (in Dutch) or the Radio Medical Service. The Radio Medical Service (in Dutch) will determine the next steps to be taken on the basis of official scenarios.
At the berth:
When the ship has already arrived at its berth, the Vessel Traffic Management will inform the Medical Centre (in Dutch) for Seamen Amsterdam.
Infected goods or cargo
Prior to arrival:
Following your notification, the Vessel Traffic Management will inform the Netherlands Coastguard (in Dutch) or the Radio Medical Service. The Radio Medical Service (in Dutch) will determine the next steps to be taken on the basis of official scenarios.
At the berth:
When the ship has already arrived at its berth, the Vessel Traffic Management will inform the Netherlands Food and Consumer Product Safety Authority.