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Application for permits for port reception facilities

Application checklist for port reception facilities in the North Sea Canal Area

Please submit your application in writing and include the following documents. Completed documentation should be sent to

  • The ports for which you would like to submit an application. the North Sea Canal Area includes the following ports: Amsterdam, Beverwijk, Velsen/IJmuiden, and Zaanstad.
  • The ship-generated waste and hazardous substances or residues from hazardous substances for which you wish to submit an application are specified in accordance with MARPOL 73/77.
  • A copy of the valid collection permit or permits issued to you in connection with the collection of the substances mentioned above, as referred to in article 9c of the Besluit Inzamelen Afvalstoffen (Waste Collection Decree).
  • A copy of the list of waste-collecting companies, as referred to in article 10.45 of the Wet milieubeheer (Environmental Management Act), in which your company is being mentioned.
  • Information about the presence of an environmental management system and accompanying certifications - if any.
  • Waste collection and transport means to be used by you and the level of availability of these tools or the degree of control over them.
  • Information about contractual obligations or other obligations regarding the delivery of the collected substances to one or more companies with a permanent shore-based facility.
  • The nature and the expected quantity of the substances to be collected by you.
  • The charges used by you for the collection of the substances mentioned above.
  • Information about the expertise, responsibilities and control of the staff deployed by you for the collection.
  • Information about your company's legal entity and the composition of its Management Board in the form of an extract from the Dutch Chamber of Commerce.
  • Information about your company's main activity.


Do you have any questions We'd be happy to help. Call us on +31 20 523 46 00 and choose option 2.