Do you have a complaint? We are happy to help. See per type of complaint how you can submit it.
I have a complaint about...
Urgent operational complaint
Do you have an urgent complaint regarding an operational matter? Such as the use of auxiliary engines/generators aboard vessels or an onsite violation of a mooring ban? You can report this 24 hours a day to the Harbour Master’s Division, Port Office, on +31 20 523 46 00, selecting menu option 2.
Nuisance from a company or ongoing work
Do you have a complaint concerning noise pollution, odour pollution or dust pollution, other types of disturbance or inconvenience caused by businesses, or any type of ongoing work in the area? Please contact the North Sea Canal Area Environment Agency (Omgevingsdienst Noordzeekanaalgebied), using their complaints form.
Nuisance from passengers
Do you have a complaints about crews or passengers on the quay? Please contact the Public Space Enforcement Department (Handhaving Openbare Ruimte/HOR) for the appropriate Amsterdam borough (stadsdeel). Or call the law enforcement authorities at 0900 8844 (nationwide number).
Complaint about Port of Amsterdam
Are you not satisfied with a situation or certain things at Port of Amsterdam? Then we ask you to submit your complaint using the form below. We will reply by e-mail as soon as possible.
If we have any questions about your complaint, we will contact you by mail or phone. This way we will work on a solution as soon as possible.
Want to submit a written complaint?
You can submit your written complaint to the following address:
Port of Amsterdam
T.a.v. klachtencoördinator
Postbus 19406
1000 GK Amsterdam
Handling of your complaint
Do you disagree with how your complaint was handled by Port of Amsterdam? Then you can contact the complaints coordinator to discuss the options available to you.
Is your complaint about public duties, such as nautical matters or public space management and maintenance? If so, you can contact the Ombudsman for the Amsterdam Metropolitan Area. Their office deals with reviewing complaints about institutions and individuals falling within the remit of the City of Amsterdam.