Mission, vision and strategy

Creating pioneering growth, that is our mission. That is why we continually strive for good environmental quality and areal quality. Also, we are constantly focused on our surroundings and the societal aspects, inside and outside the company.
We zorgen ervoor dat onze inspanningen en doelstellingen in lijn zijn met het Nederlandse Energieakkoord voor duurzame groei (2013) en het Grondstoffenakkoord. En met internationale MVO-richtlijnen zoals de OESO-richtlijnen en de Sustainable Development Goals We ensure that our efforts and targets are in line with the Dutch Energy Agreement for sustainable growth (2013), the Commodities Agreement and international CSR guidelines. Such as the OECD guidelines and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). This enables us to demonstrate our value creation in a wider context.

Vision 2030
By 2030, the Amsterdam port region will be more than a hub. It will be a dynamic metropolitan port that combines the strengths of Amsterdam's three main assets:
- The world-class logistics hub
- The high-quality regional industry
- The diverse urban services industry
By optimally connecting these three assets, we create cross-pollination, synergy and innovation. This ensures that the Amsterdam port region remains one of Europe's leading ports and a driver of the economy. One that is fast, smart and clean.
Based on the vision, we have defined our strategy 2021-2025: Taking the lead. By 2025, we want to be a leading European seaport, leading the way in the transition to a sustainable society.
In this video, Eduard de Visser, Director of Strategy & Innovation, explains what our plans are for the coming years.
Strategic goals
In order to be that leading European seaport by 2025 and to lead the way in the transition to a sustainable society, we are moving forward with seven concrete goals. From the establishment of circular process industry to keeping the shipping industry on schedule.
Read more about these concrete targets from page 29 in the Strategic Plan.

We are strengthening our competitive position and maintaining our market share
We retain our market share of 8% in North West Europe by growing 20% in the segments alternative fuels, construction material, logistics, agri, and circular.

We are growing in non-fossil turnover
Our non-fossil turnover is 65% of the total turnover.

We make sure that all shipping arrives and departs on time
At least 95% of maritime shipping departs the port on time and arrives on time in the port.

We are growing the storage capacity for alternative fuels
At least 12,5% of the storage capacity is being deployed for alternative fuels.

We are devoted to a more circular process industry
Circular activities are growing, because 25 hectares of circular process industry has been issued.

We are reducing our CO2 emissions
The port industry, shipping, and Port of Amsterdam are realising a reduction in CO2 emissions of 10%.

We are creating space for development
We create 45 hectares of development space, dedicated to the transition to a sustainable economy.
Discover more about our important topics
Annual report
Want to know more about the progress of our strategy? Read more about our activities and results in our annual report from 2022.

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Municipal Port Vision
Our shareholder has presented the Municipal Port Vision 2020-2040. We are on a joint path to a sustainable port complex, dua to this vision and our new five year-strategy. Also, take a look at the Port Bill 2020-2030, in which the intended national policy regarding the Dutch port sector has been established.
Boegpraat, the podcast
By 2025, we want to be the frontrunner in the transition to a sustainable society. But this change won't happen overnight and gives us something to think about on a daily basis. Because we believe collaboration, we invited companies and partners from the port for a conversation on our podcast Boegpraat.